Miralax For Cats With Constipation

Constipation is not a condition limited to humans.

Our feline friends can struggle with constipation just like you and I can, and some of our medical solutions can help them as well.

Mirlax is an effective tool that can not only help to relieve acute constipation in cats, but can also help to avoid uncomfortable enemas when used effectively.

In this article we will discuss the details of Miralax in cats, and help you better understand how this popular laxative can solve your cat’s stool troubles.

Miralax For Cats

What Is Miralax?

Miralax is an osmotic laxative that is used for constipation in humans and furry friends alike.

Miralax works by bringing surrounding fluids into the colon, causing the intestines to swell.

The extra fluid in the intestines will seep into the stool itself, causing the hard stool to soften as a result.

Not only can Miralax help to soften hard stool, but it can also get stool moving through the intestines due to the increased hydration.

Osmotic laxatives are easier on the intestines than stimulant laxatives, as they will not cause the intestines to contract.

This means that when used effectively, Miralax will not have your cat running to the litter box with diarrhea.

Osmotic laxatives can take a few days to really get to work, but their effects are just as beneficial in relieving constipation.

Is Miralax Safe For Cats?

Miralax is safe for cats when following your veterinarian’s guidance.

Miralax can be a wonderful way to promote healthy bowel movements in constipated cats, as well as helping to avoid the use of invasive enemas.

When offering the dose suggested by your veterinary team, Miralax can be a gentle way to get things moving in your feline friend.

Though cats can safely take Miralax, it’s important to only begin its use after getting approval from your vet.

Other complications can mirror the signs of constipation in cats, and you never want to further complicate any underlying conditions.

What Causes Constipation In Cats?

Constipation is a common condition in cats with a few potential causes.

A cat’s digestive health can take a hit when other medical conditions are present, leading to uncomfortable constipation as a result.

To help you better understand constipation in your feline friend, let’s discuss a few of the most common factors below.

Your Cat Is Dehydrated

Drinking enough water is important for your cat’s digestive health.

A cat that is not taking in enough water each day can begin to struggle with hydration, leading to slower motility in the intestines.

The stool within the intestines can begin to harden, making it extremely challenging to pass.

Your Cat Has Hairballs

While hairballs are not a major health concern for most cats, some cats can develop digestive difficulties due to their presence.

Hairballs can begin to build up in a cat’s intestines, making it more challenging for them to pass stool.

This is most common in cats already experiencing dehydration, or those with a history of chronic hairballs.

Your Cat Has Kidney Disease

Cats with kidney disease can experience constipation due to a combination of factors.

First, cats with kidney disease will often experience increased urination.

This can cause a cat to become dehydrated, leading to harder stool.

Kidney disease may also require daily medications in a struggling cat, some of which are known to decrease digestive motility.

Both of these factors combined can lead to severe constipation in our feline friends.

Some Medications Your Cat Is Taking

As we mentioned above, some medications are known to cause constipation in our furry friends.

For example, many forms of opioids are known to slow down the gut in cats.

This causes the stool to spend more time in the intestines than usual, allowing the stool to harden over time.

If your cat is ever prescribed a new medication, we urge you to speak with your vet about how that medication may impact their bathroom habits.

What Is The Dosage Of Miralax For A Cat?

Miralax comes in a tasteless powder that dissolves quickly, making it extremely easy to sneak into your cat’s food or water.

Most vets will suggest that you add their suggested dose of Miralax into a small serving of their favorite wet food, as this will ensure that they receive their entire dose.

The standard dose of Miralax in constipated cats will range based on how constipated your cat is, whether or not they have any underlying conditions, and the consistency of the stool that is present.

Though the standard dosage is typically ¼ to ½ teaspoon once daily, we urge you to speak with your vet before adding the laxative to your cat’s routine.

How Fast Does Miralax Start To Work In Cats?

The standard relief time when using Miralax in cats varies from case to case.

Cats with minor constipation may find relief in just 12 hours after starting, while those with severe constipation may see results in a few days.

Due to not having an exact answer on when your cat will respond to the treatment, it’s important to keep your vet informed along the way.

For example, some vets will suggest increasing their dose if they have not improved within 48 hours.

Keeping in touch with your vet is the best way to ensure your cat’s success throughout the process.

The Potential Risks Of Miralax Use In Cats

Miralax is generally safe for use in cats, but it does come with a short list of potential risks.

While none of these complications are life threatening to our feline friends, they are details to be aware of.

Some of the most common side effects of Miralax use in cats include:

  • Increased flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration

Each of the above side effects are most common when Miralax is not given properly, as high doses of laxatives can further upset your cat’s stomach.

The best way to prevent any complications is by following your vet’s guidance in terms of dosing, and keeping them informed if they decline in any way.

Can You Use Miralax Long Term In Cats?

Ideally, Miralax should only be used short term in cats with constipation.

Constipation that lasts any longer than 2-3 weeks should always be further explored by your veterinarian, as there is likely an underlying issue leading to their hard stool.

If your cat struggles with chronic constipation, your vet may have a preferred long-term solution in mind.

Final Thoughts

Miralax is a great way to solve minor constipation in our feline companions.

When following the guidance of your veterinarian, Miralax can help to promote healthy bowel movements going forward.

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