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My Dog Has Dry Flaky Skin And Scabs

My Dog Has Dry Flaky Skin And Scabs Have you ever begun to pet your beloved pup, only to discover something you have not noticed before? You soon see a trail of flakes and scabs as you search their skin, causing you to wonder what could ...

Why Is My Dog Whining?

Why Is My Dog Whining? Though not as loud as a canine bark, a whining pup can still gain your attention. The subtle yet high pitch tone of a whining pup is enough to get you to look their way, often raising questions on what they could be ...

Dog Barks At Everything

My Dog Barks At Everything That Passes By Barking is a normal canine behavior that all dog’s participate in. Though barking is a standard form of communication for our canine friends, it can easily become excessive when your pup barks at ...

Dog Breathing Fast

Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast? There is nothing more concerning than noticing a sudden change of breathing pattern in our canine friends. A once calm pup experiencing rapid breathing is not only startling for owners, but it could point to the ...

Neosporin On Dogs

Can I Put Neosporin On My Dog? If you have an at home first aid kit, Neosporin is likely one of the components. With being a staple antibiotic ointment in so many homes, many wonder if it can be used for our furry friend’s injuries as well. ...

When To Euthanize A Cat With Feline Leukemia

When To Euthanize A Cat With Feline Leukemia If you have a cat with feline leukemia in your home, you may be wondering how this disease will impact them in the future. There is a negative stigma associated with FeLV in cats, often leading ...

Can You Give Dogs Ibuprofen

Can I Give My Dog Ibuprofen? When you and I are experiencing any minor aches and pains, we can pop an ibuprofen in search of relief. The ease of this process leads some to wonder if this can help dogs as well, as they also suffer with ...

My Dog Smells Like Fish

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish? If you have ever been close to a dog who smells like fish, you may be wondering why. It's not something that happens to all dogs, but for those that it does happen to, it can be a pretty strong smell. So ...

My Dog Follows Me Everywhere

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere? If you are lucky enough to have a canine companion in your home, you likely know what it’s like to have a miniature shadow. Our pups often cling to our hips with every move we make, causing us to question ...

Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline Leukemia Virus Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in cats is a common disease with a terrible stigma. What was previously seen as an instant death sentence is now better understood, meaning more cats with FeLV are going on to live full ...