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Is Borax Toxic To Dogs?

Is Borax Toxic To Dogs? Borax is a common ingredient that is found in many household cleaners and insect repellents. Though this ingredient can be extremely useful in keeping our home bacteria and pest free, it is not so friendly to our ...

Dog Foaming At The Mouth

Why Is My Dog Foaming At The Mouth When you think of a dog foaming at the mouth, your mind may instantly jump to theatrical rumors. Dog frothing at the mouth has been tied to aggression and serious medical issues, but that's actually quite ...

My Dog Ate Aluminum Foil – What Do I Do?

My Dog Ate Aluminum Foil - What Do I Do? Our dogs are known to seek out tasty items that cross their paths. With so many delicious treats being cooked in or stored in aluminum foil, this causes our pups to accidentally gulp down the foil as ...

What Is A Whelping Box

What Is A Whelping Box If you have a pregnant canine companion in your life, you may have heard of a whelping box. A dog will seek out a safe place for labor, making a whelping box the perfect spot for the process. So what is a whelping box ...

Euthanize Your Own Dog At Home

Can You Euthanize Your Own Dog At Home? Saying goodbye to your beloved companion is a heartbreaking part of pet ownership. While you can always euthanize your dog in your trusted clinic of choice, the thought of a home euthanasia can offer ...

Signs Your Cat Is Dying

Signs Your Cat Is Dying And When To Euthanize There is nothing more challenging than watching your feline friend reach their end. Our cats can begin to decline in health as they enter their senior years, making it so important for us to know ...

Xylitol Toxicity In Dogs 

Xylitol Toxicity In Dogs  You may remember the time period where dog owners were concerned with giving their dog's peanut butter due to it being potentially toxic. This was not actually due to the peanut butter itself, but the xylitol ...

Pet Burial Laws By State

Pet Burial Laws By State Losing a furry friend is one of the hardest things we go through as pet owners. Though we tend to just think about the process of saying goodbye, there are some other decisions to consider as well. Once our furry ...