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Are Pig Ears Good For Dogs?

Should You Feed Your Dog Pig Ears? When looking for an affordable chew toy that satisfies your dog's need to crunch, pig ears can be the perfect solution. This tasty treat can not only offer your pup a chewing outlet, but most pups absolutely ...

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken? If you have a canine companion in your life, you know they will eat just about anything. Your pup may salivate at the sight of raw chicken in your kitchen, leading you to wonder if this is a safe snack option for ...

My Dog Ate A Paper Towel

What To Do If Your Dog Ate A Paper Towel (Or Toilet Paper) Have you ever returned home to find your dog in a pile of shredded paper towels, or toilet paper? Paper towels and toilet paper can seem like a fun toy for your pup, as it easily ...

My Dog Ate A Bee

What To Do If My Dog Ate A Bee? Our canine friends are curious critters. Their curiosity can be their downfall in many cases, especially because they explore much of the world with their mouths. Dogs often try to taste or play with things ...

My Dog Ate A Tampon

What To Do If Your Dog Ate A Tampon Unfortunately, our canine friends can do strange things. The act of eating a tampon is extremely common in the canine population, no matter how odd or gross it may seem to us. So when your dog does get ...

When To Euthanize A Dog With A Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc In Dogs, When To Put Down A slipped disc is one of the most painful experiences imaginable, for both humans and dogs alike. Our dogs can fall victim to unbearable disc disease just like you and I can, though their treatment ...

Why Is My Dog Losing Hair?

Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Dogs If your dog with a once healthy coat begins to lose hair, you may be turning to the internet for any possible explanation. Normal shedding is to be expected in our furry friends, but bald spots and hair ...

My Dog Ate A Diaper

What To Do If My Dog Ate A Diaper If your canine companion just ate a diaper, there are probably a few questions racing through your mind. You may be wondering why they would do this in the first place, whether or not eating a diaper is ...

When To Euthanize Your Dog With Dementia

When To Put Down A Dog With Dementia Just like in humans, our dog’s health can begin to decline as they age. Not only can they develop complications in their overall health, but they can begin to experience cognitive decline as well. ...

Intestinal Blockages In Dogs

My Dog Has An Intestinal Blockage Unfortunately, intestinal blockages are a common health complication in our canine friends. Dogs are known for eating things they should not, leading to the potential for life-threatening obstructions. So ...